What is the Iris Recognition System?

Iris recognition is a biometric identification technology, with the unique iris recognition patterns within the ring shaped area surrounding the human eye. Unlike other biometric systems, like fingerprint or facial recognition, the iris is stable for the person’s lifetime, making it an ideal candidate for secure identification.

This biometric identification technology works by capturing a high-resolution image of the iris using an iris reader, which is then converted into the digital template that can be stored in an database. This digital template is then matched against the other stored templates to identify and verify the individual. This system is considered reliable due to the complex and unique patterns in the iris.

How does IRIS Recognition Work for Civil Identification

Iris devices are progressively being integrated into the civil identification programs such as National ID systems, Voter Registration, and Border Control. The process of this begins with the registration of an individual's iris pattern through biometric iris scanner in the centralized database.

Pattern Extraction

These captured images will be analyzed by the predetermined algorithm, which will detect the unique eye characteristics like size, color, shape and texture. Aside from this it also analyzes the more complex attributes including rings, corona and furrows as well to register the singular characteristics of an individual iris.

Image Capture

Iris Recognition works by using the specialized biometric devices such as Mantra Dual Iris Scanner, which captures the detailed images of a person's iris structure. To begin the process, the user needs to look directly in the iris device and be still until the picture is taken.

Template Creation

Once the captured image is turned into the digital template it is stored into the centralized database. It is then sorted from the database which is then used to identify individuals. When someone is accessing the secure system, this iris scanner uses the template to match the individual’s iris to the template and determine if the person is authorized or not.

Matching & Verification

Iris scanner biometric device uses the intelligent algorithm to compare the patterns in the individual’s eyes with the stored template. This iris scanning accuracy is extraordinary, the false acceptance rate(FAR) is 1:10 million, which means they are very slim. The chances of copying someone’s eye pattern is 0.00001%.

Iris Localization

Once the picture is stored, the system locates the iris by identifying the pupil boundaries. This is a very important step for isolating the iris from other eye parts.

While talking about the Iris scanning in the civil identification, it is nothing less than a breath of relief, as this technology ensures that each individual is uniquely identified, this will ensure the identity fraud is prevented. It will also enable secure access to various government and private services, without much of an identity hassle.

Benefits of Iris Recognition System

Iris recognition system offers a number of benefits making it an attractive option for secure civil identification. Here is the breakdown of the advantages offered:

Over Time Stability

Unlike any other biometric traits available such as fingerprints or facial recognition, the iris remains stable in the individual’s life after they are 12 years old, other features can change as the person grows. With the iris devices, once the iris is enrolled and the template it generated, the same template is used for decades, reducing the need for the re-enrollment.

High Accuracy

Did you know that iris has over 200 distinct features!? Mantra Iris Scanner can capture and recognize the satisfactory number of features. This attention to details, make the iris recognition system one of the accurate biometric technologies available to use.


Iris scanners can be scaled easily to handle the large amount of data, making an ideal choice for national identification programs, voter registration or any large scale of operations.


Iris recognition is a no-contact identification process, as it reduces the risk of spreading infections or diseases. Also this type of biometric maintains the privacy of individuals since it just requires the eye image.

Spoofing Resistance

It is really difficult to replicate or fake the iris patterns as they are very complex. This ensures the high-level of security against identity theft.

Speed & Efficiency

Iris recognition systems can process & match the patterns in the seconds, making it ideal for the high utility areas such as airports or national border controls.

Limitation of Using Iris Scanning System

While iris scanning devices offer a number of benefits, like every story has two sides it does not come without any limitations. Here are some of the key challenges mentioned:

Environmental Factors

It is important to remember that various environmental conditions can also affect the quality of iris scan. Conditions such as low light or reflection on camera lens can interfere with the iris scan devices. Remember, these are some of the variables that can result in the poor image quality.


This biometric technology requires the specialized iris scanner biometric device and software, making it hard to afford for the SMEs to implement. When you compare the cost of biometric systems like fingerprint recognition with iris scanners you can see the difference.

Privacy Concerns

Like any other identification system, biometric iris scanners also have concerns about the potential misuse of the generated biometric data. It is important to remember that the data from the generated biometric template can lead to serious consequences such as data breach or identification theft.

Accessibility Issues

It is possible that some people who have certain eye conditions such as cataracts, or those who have undergone an eye surgery are likely to face difficulties with the retina scanner biometric device, which could lead to the possible errors.

Use Cases of Iris Recognition

Iris recognition technology is used across various industries for robust security and optimized identification processes. Here are the use cases where biomatiques iris scanner is utilized:

Banking & Finance

Banks are progressively implementing iris recognition technology to lower the risk of fraud in financial transactions for safe customer authentication. It is important to remember that the traditional banking techniques and PINs can be compromised easily. This is where iris recognition becomes really helpful for mobile banking.

National Identification System

Iris recognition in national ID systems improves the citizen enrollment process, border control, social services, and voting integrity. It ensures that accurate access is given to healthcare, banking and education while supporting law enforcement and refugee management, reducing identity fraud and improving efficiency.


While talking about the healthcare sector, use the iris readers to securely access the patient records, making sure that the medical histories are accurately linked to the right person. This prevents medical errors and protects sensitive patient information.

Border Control & Immigration

Iris recognition technology is used by several nations to rapidly & precisely confirm traveler’s identities at airports and border crossings. Large numbers of travelers can be managed while maintaining security thanks to this biometric technology.

Future of Iris Recognition Technology

With all the ongoing advancement, the future of iris recognition technology looks promising. It is expected that with the advancements it is expected to overcome the current limitations and expand its application:

AI Integration:

Future iris recognition systems will make use of AI/ML to improve the accuracy and help in adopting varying conditions. This will enable the biometric systems to learn from the previous scans, in turn improving the ability to recognize the patterns.

Mobile & Wearable:

Biometric iris scanner will be integrated into smartphones and wearable, making secure identification more accessible. With the integration to smartphones and wearable technology will make biometrics convenient for everyday use.

Improved Accessibility:

In future it is expected that efforts will be made to develop the iris reader for the people with the eye conditions or those who have gone through any kind of eye surgery. In this manner the accessibility will be improved.

Lower Costs:

With the time as this biometric technology will mature, it is believed that the cost associated will decrease. This will make it more feasible for the SMEs and developing countries to implement the said biometric technology.

Enhanced Privacy Protections:

To address privacy concerns, the future of iris recognition systems will likely incorporate advanced encryption and data protection measures. This will ensure that the biometric data is stored and used securely, preventing unauthorized access.

Wrapping Up:

Iris recognition provides an unparalleled accuracy and dependability that is much required for the safe civic identity. Despite its drawbacks, it is becoming one of the most essential technologies for guaranteeing both personal and national security. At Mantra Smart Identity, we are at the forefront of developing and implementing cutting-edge iris recognition systems to improve the security through the cutting-edge biometric technology.